If you’re ready to step fully into your power and COMMIT to the work you came here to do - this is for you.
Are you done doubting yourself…
and undercharging or letting people off sales calls knowing you didn’t take a full stand for their transformation and healing?
Are you done playing small...
and not truly saying what you want to say in your business online?
What would happen if you
OWNED your power, built a business that not only felt good to run but made you money,
and let yourself be fully supported so you could have way more pleasure and freedom in your life(and biz)?
This is exactly what pussy based business® and this vip day is all about!
My PUSSY BASED BUSINESS® VIP days are custom designed for you as a way to fully embody and experience yourself as a next level boss ass bitch.
Once we hop on the phone and figure out those places where you’re feeling stuck, constrained, frustrated, etc, I’ll start cooking up our day.
Here’s what never changes tho:
We’ll meet somewhere totally luxurious and dreamy. You know I’m all about embodiment so I want you to feel this surrounding you as your body relaxes into a new normal.
I’ll spoil you all day long. Gifts, delicious meals, spa treatments, and surprise activities to full step into who you know you were born to be.
We’ll also bust through the mindset shit thats been holding you back - like that deep deep shit that keeps coming up saying you don’t deserve to have a life this good and a business that makes you so much money you’re outlearning your whole family and then some.
These days are one of my favorite fucking things ever and are absolute game changers.
In one day, we get through shit you’ve bene struggling with for YEARS.
The things you’ve convinced yourself you can’t do, you’ll walk away with a plan and the knowing that this is exactly what you’re meant to do!
Oh and did I mention we cap it all off with a Boss Bitch Baptism? Yeah - that part.
Doing my own BBB changed EVERYTHING for me. It was like a marriage ceremony to my business. I washed away alllll the bullshit that had been holding me back for years. I felt every cell in my body align with what I’m creating and my Pussy Based Business® has fucking exploded since then.
I did it right before I kicked off my life as a full time digital nomad.
I launched a challenge with over 200+ women all from organic marketing (social media posts and stories)
I sold out my 1:1 practice.
I filled a mastermind and had to stop the launch early.
I blew previous goals out of the water - my social media exploded, I was getting invites to podcasts, collaborations with incredible women in the coaching industry and so much more.
I also hosted these for each woman at the pussy mansion in greece one year and it was SO INSANE!
This is not a normal boring basic ass strategy day where I just regurgitate some bro-y internet marketing shit that everyone knows.
Pussy Based Business® is about you feeling what it feels like to own your power and live the life you’ve always dreamed of and take that back into your day to day life with you.
It’s about being in the transmission of a woman unafraid to own who she is and share that with the world.
Finally feeling like you can bring your whole self into your business so that you can show up effortlessly on the social media and create content that converts in a matter of minutes
…Embodying your message and work on a level that everyone can feel as soon as you come around so they’re asking YOU how they can work with you
…Knowing the exact next steps to take to grow and scale your business that are perfectly designed for YOU and how you operate. No generic bullshit here. I’m alllll about the soul-aligned strategy
A deep knowing of your worth so you can stop wasting all that precious energy doubting yourself and actually get around to changing the world like you know you’re meant to do.
It’s a time to stand and declare who you are and what you came here to do.
Are you ready to create a Pussy Based Business®?
10:00 am - Meet somewhere sexy and delicious to caffeinate/mimosa/green juice and start diving into our morning strategy session.
12:00pm - Lunch time! I'll wine and dine you with the most delicious farm to table lunch while you practice being in total receiver mode.
1:30pm - Werk time part 2. We'll head to our private space to dive into more strategy, mindset, and embodiment work.
4:00pm - Feeling hella productive and in all the pleasure, we'll head to wherever I cooked up for your boss ass bitch baptism(obvs optional) and wrap up the party letting you taste your full power and release anything else you need.
5:00pm - Wrap time - maybe we need a snack or a drink ;)

If you're ready to step into your next level vibes and delicious pleasure filled strategy, let’s do this thang.
Here are some of the benefits you can expect:
Expert advice from someone who truly listens to you.
A delicious experience geared to your exact needs.
Strategic action steps to take after the session is over.
Now booking for 2024
vip day
questions & answers
What costs are covered in my VIP day?
I’ll cover everything during our time together from like 10-5ish. Meals, gifts, location, etc. You’ll be responsible for getting yourself there and booking a hotel or anything else you might need.
What if I want to do more than one day to make my travel worth it?
Uh, we can totally arrange that - message me and we’ll talk about what this could look like
Where do you host these?
I’m located in Tampa, FL
I’m also totally open to meeting elsewhere - it would just either need to overlap with my travel schedule, be somewhere I already wanted to go, or you can just pay to fly me there.
Can I share the day/cost with a friend?
Sure - what the fuck, why not. I’d have to adjust a few things - but if you want to plan a group sitch and have me come in for the day - i’m totally open to it!
What days do you do these?
Generally I host these on a Friday - if this doesn’t work - let’s talk.