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Salivated over your every last word

Became loyal customers and raving fans

And…Snatched up your offers the second they came out!!

All from posting on a silly little app

That might light your pussy on fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥

but then your brain comes in with the BUT. 🤯😫


Maybe you write a good post here or there, or get the balls to go live sometimes, but most days you’re wondering wtf am I doing and do I really have to post again on social cuz it seems like nobody’s even paying attention.


You’re smart, funny, witty, sarcastic, hilarious and fucking bundle of fun IRL, but for some reason, that shit just isn’t translating online.

⫸ You go to write and it just feels boring. Vanilla. Like some generic thing everyone else is saying…

⫸ You hear crickets. No likes. You keep checking. It sucks.

⫸ You worry people will be like ew weird why is she sharing about her life, i dont want that

⫸ Your one client is like “yeah girl, say that shit!”


✦ You want your shit to stand out. And sell out!

✦ You want so many notifications that you can’t even keep up(okay maybe a few less than that cuz i’m guessing you care and would like to respond and have a life - big fan of both lol)

✦ You want to build a loyal and engaged audience who drools over your posts and snatch up anything you offer 

✦ And honestly, you’d love to just not hate social media so damn much because you know its a tool to the money, impact and life you crave! 

Right now it feels so fucking far away.

✦ You’ve tried course after course and even had coaches edit your post line by line

✦ Filled out content planners you never executed on

✦ Prob even hired a coach or two or fifteen that never imagined dropping you in to pussy

✦ you’ve plugged into chat GPT, copied the formulas….

But it still isn’t working.

You feel bored and boring and your audience reflects that to you.

You want those illustrious 5 and 6-figure months and the financial security that comes with that.

You want content that people read and nod along to because it's actually real, raw, and unique.

You want to share your stories and speak your deepest truths and be a light for others in the world.

You want your effort on social media to translate in to cash and clients!

And to create a timeless brand that will pay you over, and over, and over

But HOW?!?!?!

More than a content program

More than group coaching

More than just another course 

This mother effin’ experience can change your whole entire life

If you say yes to a new way of doing social media and honestly, business period. It doesnt have to keep sucking. 

Wanna go from aiming for perfect + polished(and missing) to nailing it on social over and over again, while spending way less time + energy?

Oh, and of course blow up your audience and bank account while you’re at it ;)

If you’re thinking, ughhh but i just hate social and need a break - can i really learn to love it and have it work FOR me?

We’ll get there, keep reading sugarplum😛

I’ve taken +470 women through this course and watched them pull in incredible results.


i’m julia [motherfucking] wells

In case we haven’t met, i’m known in my circles as being one of the most authentic, badass, and sometimes triggering voices in the coaching space for my radical approach to business(and social media).

I keep it real, I deliver hella value, people elevate just being in my energy, and my clients rave about my programs and often sign up for everything I offer

I run a multi-million-dollar coaching business and I still work from bed a lot of days. I’ve grown my own version of a pussy-based business that delivers more pleasure than I ever imagined by being 100%,  completely fucking MYSELF.

And i’ve also taught hundreds of clients to do the same. Bring me your social media despair, your empty client roster, your big feels, your addiction to the hustle and watch us turn it into a business you’re so fucking obsessed with that completely changes your entire life.


➜ My posts defy algorithms(and i can teach you how to do this). 

➜ I don’t do boring dry and robotic(and neither will you after this). 

➜ I spend most of my days talking about pussy and people get on waitlists to hire me to be their business coach and then do life changing work while also growing their income + impact.

➜ I found ways to be consistent while still being a total free flowing, world traveling, goddess of EASE and PLEASURE.

➜ I’ve made over $5,500,000 in revenue selling shit online. No ads. No fancy complicated techy funnels. $1.6 million of that in 12 months alone with a fuck ton of profit that allowed me to do some epic shit!

➜ I went from four years of loving social and seeing no results, to still loving social and making millions while helping so many other women learn how to get paid for their gifts too! 

➜ I’ve been deleted off IG too many times to count, I have the best audience ever, i LOVE opening my apps, I still only sell from social and email with a very small audience, and I just looooove what i do! (but dont worry, i dont plan on you getting deleted, it just comes with the territory of pussy based business and talking about pleasure + money. ew patriarchy. but also ill powerfully hold you if fuck shit does ocur!

I write when I feel like it, I say what I want, and I make a lot of money doing it with a community that’s loyal and obsessed. 

Does it sound like i’m bragging? 

Good, cuz i am 😛


what i’ve built is fucking epic and i want to help you do the same!

Because the truth is ... it DID NOT always look like this for me, but when I started doing what I teach in this course- everyyything (I mean EVERYTHING) shifted. And it gets to be your turn now.

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so what exactly does it mean to become a social media seductress®?

It means getting your shit out there in a big way(aka super smart, but simple and aligned strategy), believing what you have to say matters, and having the energy behind the post that sucks people in and leaves them wanting more and lining up to buy from you.

And the way that I’m gonna teach you to do this is like nothing else out there. I’ve truly never seen another social media program about being madly deeply turned on and in love with it! Which, hello, is truly *the secret* to it all! 

This isn’t about the perfect format, copy, timing, posting strategy nonsense. It’s not even about tricking the algorithm(or even thinking about it)

This is about becoming WILDLY MAGNETIC by being your full fucking self where people can’t help but pay attention(and buy).

One of my favorite favorite things to work on with clients is the deep inner work that will allow them to get visible AF. The only times i ever ever hate social and feel frustrated, are when my own shit is coming up. And i’ll teach you how to find those blocks and shift them.

Cuz I don’t just mean “visible” like:

❌ yelling the loudest

❌ running some fb ads

❌ selling some generic ‘make 100k in 10 seconds’ bullshit

❌ generic ass chat gpt shit everyone can do now

This is about magnetism that can be felt, regardless of typos, what time you post, and if your copy was perfect. It’s about allowing yourself to be seen, consumed, loved, adored, watched.

Doing work that turns your pussy on and brings in the cash money. It's the only thing that worked for me and it's the only thing I see working for clients. Self-expression and visibility work are the non-negotiables.

And here’s the truth of the matter…

Everyone else I know teaching this shit, is missing one major ingredient that mama has down. 

For true self-expression that can charm the socks off your audience and bring in hella sales, you need to harness…


I talk ALOT about pleasure and letting pussy lead 

I talk about how staying in pleasure changed my business completely and has allowed me to do what I love.

But wtf do i even mean by pleasure?

Pleasure can mean anything to you. Joy, turn on, freedom, etc. But for me it is a delicious activation of any of your senses. When you activate your senses, you step fully into your body and feel peak connection and presence. To yourself and anyone around you. 

It’s in this state that you can fully tap into your creativity and step out of your head (aka perfectionism, overthinking and hustling be gone).

Despite what you’ve maybe heard, seen, or experienced, business doesn’t have to be painfully full of self-doubt, perfectionism, and hustle.

You DON’T have to adapt to fit the model of bro marketing funnels, analytics and systems. You don’t have to spend hours overthinking, getting it right and perfecting your copy. 

We operate very differently from this: we naturally operate in cycles (it’s literally how our bodies were built) and these cycles include shedding and rest—and this lived experience must be reflected in your business otherwise this journey will feel out of alignment and hard af! 

Building a dream business that feels easy and aligned happens when you make room for surrender, flow, trust... and pleasure! because that’s when we’re most magnetic and when things just come to us. And i’ll show you how to translate this all on to social media

This goes against everything you’ve been trained to do, so if you feel resistance… that might just there’s medicine here for you and its time to lean in

That’s why I want your cute little booty in Social Media Seductress®. I designed this program to feel amazing as you are learning how to:

✅ seduce your audience

✅ gain and keep their attention 

✅ makes sales online

✅ honor your body and what you need in order to show up day after day

What I’ve seen over and over again is that this is the way. Sustainable. Juicy. Scalable. And the sky is truly the limit.

In a growing market place where a bajillion new voices are popping up daily…

One of the most effective strategies i’ve found for both standing out AND enjoying your work, is to become magnetic, and the fastest way there?

Get into pleasure. Become Magnetic. Seduce.

this goes beyond just what you say, and taps into HOW you say it

This is about letting people feel YOUR TRANSMISSION in every single piece of content you put out there.

This is what people are hungry AF for and nobody is showing you how.

They're telling you to "be real" but no one knows how to help you actually tap into it. 

And they're saying "be magnetic” but they don't have a clue that it has everything to do with your energy and nothing to do with your content plan.

So we’re breaking it down and going there so we can fucking seduce our clients in, make more money, make way bigger impacts, and feel good af doing it.

Yes. it’s possible, even for you vanilla Victoria ;)


13 weeks of pure fucking seduction.

Because guess what the first step in all this is?

Seducing yourself.

Cuz why would we expect anyone else to get called into your work and world if you aren’t first seducing yourself and getting turned on by it?

Are you wondering if this is about to be a giant group orgy of weirdos fucking masturbating together on the internet hahahaha

Don’t worry.

While some of what I teach is definitely around your sexuality and sexual energy, that’s just one piece(and don’t worry, you do this stuff at home on your own - not on group calls, usually lol).

here’s what you’ll walk away with:

How to write copy that sounds exactly like you that’s infused with your signature energetics that draws people in from all across the interwebs and gets them hooked on your every last word

The secrets to leveraging social media so that you remember that you make the rules(forgetting the algorithm here for second) and get to make it as fun as you want while still seeing the results you desire + deserve.

Learn how to lean into your pussy power(feminine essence, pleasure, magic, etc) as a way of creating from an endless source where you never run out of things to say and content doesn't take you hours to write anymore.

Infuse everything you do with so much pleasure that people are literally begging for more offerings and ways to work with you and consume your content and you'll see your following, bank account, and business grow epically because of it

Master selling from social media so you can make money any time, anywhere(seriously, I sold over $100,000 in just 2 months while working from my laptop in Tanzania, US, France, Spain, and Cape Town one summer), i made a million dollars in my biz (yes even during a pandemic), and i’m doing it again during this launch all while pouring into myself, celebrating myself and clients, and having so much fun just being myself online.

does this sound delicious and terrifying and slightly bewildering and like your pussy is telling you to do it and maybe your mind is like “but yeah wtf is this bitch talking about?”


Here’s what I know.

This program is not for everyone.

❌ If you want boring copywriting formulas that every bro marketer and their mother teach, I ain’t the one. 

❌ If you want someone who will tell you how many times a day to post thinking that’s the big secret, also not me bruh.

❌ If you want generic blueprints, copy handed to you, perfection>relatable… nope not the one

💃 If you want someone who will unleash your inner content seductress that takes the internet by storm and makes a shit ton of money just being her badass self, I’m the woman for the job.

💃 If you want to work smarter, not harder, so that you can create when you’re inspired and chill when you’re not, I got you.

💃 If you want to learn to leverage social media so you have a loyal audience that loves you and whips out their credit card for you, I also can do that. In fact, I’m the best at that.

Are you getting the point?


This is all about using your own inner power and the gift of social media to do it in a way that lights you up and makes you money.

How does this all work?

Each week we’ll focus on:

  • building up the belief system you’ll need to support you on this journey

  • the strategy that is right and aligned FOR YOU

  • and the embodiment practices that will help you seduce yourself and unleash that inner magnetic seductress first internally and then to the rest of the world

Here’s what you’ll get in each module:


We’re knocking this bad boy out so we can put your sweet genius brain at ease(and of course you know exactly what you’re doing from day 1 to move closer to more clients + cash). 

I’ll teach you exactly where to be posting and 

★ how often to post,

★ and I’ll share two epic guides so you have daily prompts to use so you can get locked in on your content from day 1 to attract more clients.


This week is gonna feel like you cracked the fucking content code!

★ The 4 types of content you need to always be creating, 

★ what goes into each one, and 

★ how your posting will change depending on whether you’re launching, growing your audience, or nurturing your existing peeps(cuz all these require different things). 


You'll walk away from this week feeling up-leveled and more certain than ever.

★ How to get into flow, 

★ always know exactly what to say, 

★ and how to get unblocked when shit comes up. 


This is exactly HOW to become magnetic and what it means to have energy behind a post so people feel your transmission, trust you, and of course, buy your shit.

We’ll cover:

★ the foundational sexuality practices to wake up creativity and turn up that magnetic energy that’s key to attracting clients

★ how to do and use dance, breast massage, self pleasure, and body sensations to turn up the volume. 

★ how to get into those bodies with the Ultimate Embodiment Toolkit(which is my secret hack for creating magnet content that signs clients)!


I know. You're thinking, "cool, I'll have time to be a seductress and seduce myself once I have clients and money in the bank", but the truth is, mastering this first is what changed everything for me and it will do the same for you.

★ Learn how to find your unique seductress flow and flavor so you become even more magnetic and unique and can suck in your ideal peeps by just being yourself.


You’ll learn how to connect the dots between your content and how to give your audience a fuck ton of value even BEFORE they hire you!

We’ll break down

★ How and when to create tangible and applicable mini wins for your audience

★ What to do before and after you post about mini wins

★ what mindset blocks might come up and how to work around this


Aka those deep visibility wounds I talk about that shut us down and keep us small and we have to work through them to make the income and impact we came here to make. 

★ How to deal with the fears and muck in your body that physically freeze you and shut you down(thinking no one wants to read your shit, not showing up and shining even when you want to, etc)

And yes, we’ll bring PLEASURE into them too, because that’s actually what allows you to:

★ feel fear + self doubt 

★ and no longer getting stopped by it


The goal of the game isn’t to be forever free from doubt + fear, it’s learning to become masterful at catching those thoughts so they never sit in the drivers seat and keep you from doing what you came here to do. 

★ I’ll give you my top journal prompts and practices to shift in seconds(I use this daily)

★ the key to creating a 6-figure business from pleasure - because we’ve all been taught that we have to work hard for success and it’s just not true

★ We call it mindset magic because it's going to FEEL like magic and produce the most epic results(like clients coming out of the woodworks, inboxes filling with messages of how your posts are resonating, and people begging you to collab, be on podcasts, etc)


You'll know how to sell anywhere, anytime and be confident in it translating to clients and cash💸💸💸

★ How to sell from social media with total fucking confidence + ease 

★ the posts to write

★ the energy you need to cultivate 

★ and the beliefs you must lock down 

★ so you can do this over and over again(any offer, any pricepoint). 


Wanna say what you need to say and stop worrying about people from high school or your family judging you? And if someone gives you a hard time online (because we've all been there) or if you're just keeping yourself stuck because you're worried about it, you'll know exactly how to clear it, and exactly what to do so you can ditch the fear and seduce your audience like crazy.

★ How to set energetic boundaries so nobody fucks with you - 

★ we’ll assess where you leak energy online, 

★ where you give unnecessary fucks, 

★ and how to plug all that shit up so your inbox is filled with love notes + potential clients, not dick pics and marriage proposals


Putting it all together - by now you have:

★ a rock solid strategy, 

★ the mindset of a boss bitch, 

★ and some fucking magnetic energy that the world is craving. 

You’re ready to unleash and step into your next level!!!

Tuesday’s 12pm-1pm ET. All calls will be recorded and shared within 24 hrs so no worries if you can’t make it live!


(because this is designed for you to succeed, not consume content you never put into action)

and! i have juicy bonuses to help you integrate & execute that shit over and over:

💋 A 30 day map of content prompts so you never run out of shit to say(and of course this is a mix of the 4 types of content you want to be rotating through to connect with your audience the deepest and translate to sales)

💋 2 weeks of juicy launch prompts so you know exactly what to cover each day so you captivate your audience and convert them into paying customers - these are the same prompts I used to have a $60k MM launch sell out in less than 2 weeks when i had like 1000 people in my group and nothing else

💋 My favorite mindset affirmations for creating juicy content that converts - this is a must so you can become a masterful mindset ninja who shifts in seconds(aka spend way less time in fear and way more time making money)

💋 Access to my 3-part High Converting Content Fiesta video series that will help you identify where you’re turning people off, how to create content with pleasure, and how to get people to actually buy!!

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Let me help you move…

You’re gonna be…

🔥 taking action regardless of fears and doubts(cuz you don’t let them drive the car anymore)

🔥  Creating bomb ass content that emotionally connects, is relatable and real, WITH EASE

🔥  Taking up space with your platform, body, voice and vision no matter how you feel. You have people to serve and money to make. Move over bitches!

🔥  Building authentic relationships using social that convert into paying clients

🔥  Showing up regularly, having people trust and buy on repeat

We’re reprogramming your stories and beliefs that are sabotaging you and keeping you from what you want. 

No fluffy affirmations over a shitty foundation.

We’re tearing the shit down and building it solid so you can build an epic biz on top where you consistently blow your own damn mind with the results you pull in.



What desires are alive? Is there a part of you that knows you want this?

Is there a part that’s scared to unleash the real you?

...that people will judge or reject you if you share your full self

...that you’ll never get clients if you get vulnerable

...that you’ll say something that offends or triggers someone else?

Is there part of you that says you can't ACTUALLY have what you want because of the million reasons you have to spend the time or money elsewhere?

Listen, I hear you. I get it. The internet is a wild place.

And, what I know for sure, is that people are craving more authenticity, transparency, and connection.

Guess what tho?

It’s safe to be your full self on the internet.

You get to make a shit ton of money being you, saying what you want, and selling shit that turns you on.

And the truth is - my business didn’t blow up until I did. So if you’re still spinning your wheels, you’re not getting anywhere until you nail this part.

Ready to learn how?

 Still need a little more seducing?

Here’s what other pussy queens have built with the tools from this program:

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