Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to have a business or career that is both pleasurable and profitable while also having a life that you’re wildly obsessed with
⫸ Are hustle and overworking your default when you’re not careful?
⫸ Forever over complicating shit and then still feeling like you never did enough?
⫸ Over trying to control everything and having constant freak outs when shit doesn’t go your way?
⫸ Do you tend to love the chase and feel weird when things come easily(whether thats the partner or the money)?
⫸ Are you annoyed seeing these bitches frolicking all over the internet proclaiming it can be easy while secretly wishing it could be true for you too?
⫸ Have you created some epic success in your life but found yourself more often than not feeling purposeless, unfulfilled or confused as to why that voice in your head didn’t just go away?
⫸ Do you sometimes fantasize about ditching the biz/baby/family/success/career and just running away to travel the world(despite how much a part of you is grateful and loves those things)?
⫸ Or maybe you've done ALL the things and frolicked in the forest, done the 3 hour pleasure practices, and are finding yourself frustrated at how "hard" and time-consuming this pleasure things feels?
Look, the first thing i want you to know is that you’re not alone
The second thing that i want you to know is that it can shift and feel better
And honestly, the path to it feeling better is probably a lot closer and simpler than you’ve been believing
Here’s my invitation to let it be so simple and easy its seems impossible that this could finally be what shifts the things and leaves you being the happiest, sexiest, most successful bitch on the block(and ps, yes there is fully room for all of us to be that).
I started my business 8 years ago. I quit my corporate job with no plan and was rudely awakened by how fucking hard and confusing entrepreneurship was.
I envied these bitches with their laptop lifestyle, fancy photoshoots, bali trips and large cash months.
I talked a lot of shit, but mostly i wanted to be them.
I wanted what i thought they had, freedom.
Through both trying to be like them and actually getting to know them, what i learned very quickly was most of that involved very little freedom.
Most people were struggling from severe imposter syndrome, chronic fatigue and body breakdowns from stress + overworking, ending relationships or worrying they’d be single forever and VERY little fun and freedom with said laptop lifestyle that really actually equated to working way too much and playing way too little. Even tho that was pretty much the whole damn reason they started in the first place.
I was confused
I wanted the money and things money can do in this world. I truly cared about impact but just couldn’t bring myself to hustle my way into misery.
Isn’t that what i was trying to escape from in the corporate world i just left?
Needless to say, i spent the first 4 years of my business very confused. And honestly, in a fuck ton of self-blame that I hadn’t figured shit out yet.
And then things changed.
I decided to prioritize pleasure and feeling good.
Brain and body.
I started spending hours a day in pleasure(this literally just means 1 or more of your 5 senses is activated, not necessarily sexual) and doing mindset work that had my brain say nice and helpful things to me instead of the mean shit it said all day when left to its own devices.
And the craziest things started happening
Not only did i finally hit those elusive 10k months that are so coveted in the coaching industry, I blew by that shit. And then by the next goal and the next goal.
In the past 4 years my company has done almost 4.5 Million in cash(and much more in sales as i have over 100k in recurring revenue booked for months out).
I have a relatively small audience. A small team. No ad spend. And an all organic social media strategy.
I have pussy power.
I have determination and decision.
I have a simple strategy that we work the fuck out of over and over. I have tried and true mindset work that helps me crush goal after goal while actually feeling good about myself. And mostly? I have a WHOLE lot of pleasure(even tho I’m notoriously lazy about every single one of these things).
And i want to teach you.
I’m Julia [motherfucking] Wells
If you don’t know about me, well, you must live under a rock or something lol.
Jk jk, but i’m known in my circles as being one of the most authentic, badass, voices in the coaching space.
I keep it real, I deliver hella value, people elevate just being in my energy, and my clients rave about my programs and often sign up for everything I offer.
➜ My posts defy algorithms.
➜ I don’t do boring dry and robotic.
➜ I spend most of my days talking about pussy and people get on waitlists to hire me to be their business coach.
➜ I found ways to be consistent while still being a total free flowing, world traveling, goddess of EASE and PLEASURE.
I write when I feel like it, I say what I want, and I make a lot of money doing it with a community that’s loyal and obsessed.
Does it sound like i’m bragging?
Good, cuz i am.
what i’ve built is fucking epic and i want to help you do the same.
Because the truth is ... it DID NOT always look like this for me, but when I started doing what I teach in this course- everyything (I mean EVERYTHING) shifted.
Up until now my courses have been centered around business, which i love.
But i wanted to create a space where all we worked on was the feel good stuff. Because for me, that’s the first shift that changed everything in the biz.
Which you can then take and apply to literally anything you want to manifest and create.
In january of 2021, I was very much single. Happy, but single. I realized all the emotionally unavailable men i was complaining about were just a reflection of my own unprocessed shit to work through and own.
And i realized all i needed to do was apply the same principles, that i had just used to skyrocket my business, to dating.
The outcome?
I did some VERY uncomfortable shit like invest over 10k in matchmaking and coaching, go on 30 dates with 30 strangers, and pimp myself out on every app.
I also had SO much fun. I got into pleasure before, during and after these dates.
I rocked my mindset practice like a boss.
And by march my new man was meeting my sisters and flying me to vegas for my birthday.
Two years later and we have the healthiest, easiest, loving relationship that is designed perfectly for us. We go on vacations all over the world, spoil each other, open up, and are building the coolest life together that used to feel like such a faraway dream.
I share this to say, the lazy pleasure concepts can be applied to anything.
First I applied it to business, then I applied it to dating - and the same crazy, makes no sense results happened in both.
I called it lazy pleasure because truly, it’s not worth spending time and decision calories wondering what to do each day when you could just have it handed to you.
What i’ve found since doing this work and also helping hundreds of clients use it in their businesses and lives, is that it works.
Its the repetition of these simple practices, done over and over, with belief and decision, that move the needle (and when I say simple I also mean NOT time consuming).
They can literally be laid over any goal. Any size business. Any desire. Any strategy.
Those pieces don’t matter when you feel good. When you learn how to feel enough and worthy and deserving in every area of your life.
And the cool part is, you get to do all this while being wildly human. While being an emotional being, but not one who lets their emotions run their life and biz.

You get to fuck shit up, be messy, make mistakes, be imperfect, learn as you go and STILL be so happy and successful.
✦ If you’ve ever hit a goal and wondered why it didn’t feel good, this is for you
✦ If you’ve been trying everything under the sun and are working way too many hours for way too little pay or results, this is for you
✦ If you just want to be your fucking self and live your best fucking life, this is for you
✦ If you’re just nosey about wtf this is, you can come play too lol
✦ If you wanna know how the fuck I am running a company this profitable(70% profit margin life yall) and working around 20-30 hours a week from beautiful places, including my bed and the tub, come!!!
✦ If you’re a busy mom, 6 or 7-figure biz owner, mover, shaker, activist, healer, artist, or whatever, you get to do this work too and it doesn't have to look like spending hours a day self-pleasuring to get maximum results.
Feeling good will always be an inside job and it’s your turn to have it all.
Past history and all. Trauma and all. Identities and all.
You can rewire your brain and calm your nervous system and learn how to lean back into more pleasure and profit than you ever imagined and it only takes a little bit of time each day.
In this program we’ll build month over month in both brain and body.
You’ll learn how to identify unhelpful thoughts and beliefs that are not only holding you back, but also making you feel shitty af when you do have good things happen
I’ll teach you how to use the pleasure practices to feel good for the sake of feeling good without having to spend hours on it when you also need to run the business, be the partner, be the parent, etc.
not because it’s another to do list item to be magnetic, tapped in, turned on etc - which it also does in fact do.
Again, add this work to anything you’re doing.
Watch and see how it amplifies both the feel good feels and the functionality.

so what is Lazy Pleasure?
Lazy Pleasure is...
✦ A way to move out of perfectionism and somehow become more productive while working less.
✦ A way to calm anxiety
✦ It’s having magnetism without having to be needy, grabby or desperate
✦ It’s the thing you think belongs on the weekend, during vacation or upon retirement
✦ It’s fun
✦ It’s the fundamentals of everything I teach that apply to anything you want to create. It feels almost too simple and like serious magic all at once,
This isn’t designer bags and bubble baths, although I can’t promise you won’t have those either but in my experience, those aren’t what creates the insane results you’re looking for - those are just byproducts of it.
This is the access point to your innate, deepest, juiciest wisdom and power
The kind where you can be your most turned on, powerful, wealthy self and so can every bitch beside you
It’s about rising together and having the tools to access our magic
Sharing them and knowing that when one of us rises, we make space for others to do the same
Becoming the most generous, selfless, giving human truly only happens when your own cup is filled and overflowing aka you might actually have to be “selfish” here for a second and go first
This isn’t for everyone and that’s okay
It truly takes something to let yourself have it all
We’re taught we’ll be disliked. Rejected. Discarded. Unloved. Too powerful for a partner. Too busy to love our kids. Too much. Too loud. Too sexy.
And you might be.
But in my experience you can opt out and find your humans that also don’t subscribe to that nonsense.
But either way, isn’t it worth it for what you’ll get to do with your resources and privilege?
Cuz look.
We need hearts and helpers at all levels.
And as it stands, the world runs on cash money honey.
And too many old rich greedy gross fuckers control it all.
So how does that change?
We get into pleasure. Lazy Pleasure 😉
We learn how to feel good more than we feel shitty
Where you can access that pleasure for free. Anywhere, any time.
Yes you’ll get to be human. In fact, once you tap into pleasure(aka your body) you’ll prob feel those feels you’ve been avoiding which only leaves you with more space for pleasure
This work is simple but not easy
It’s counter to everything we’ve been taught is worth our time and energy
But when you reclassify pleasure as a money making activity and prioritize it daily, it’s pretty amazing at what you can start to create and call in
Imagine 5-10 minutes a day having the potential to 5-10x your income????
Or the effectiveness of your dating and romantic encounters?
Imagine having a pool of epic lovers and humans to choose from?
Or the biggest names in your industry suddenly wanting to cozy up with YOU
It’s not about learning or doing more
It’s about being
And it always has been
Power lies with those who just be
Now your choice is what you’ll use that power for
But the direct line to it is the lazy pleasure method
It’s quick, effective and efficient
You don’t have to spend hours a day touching yourself, meditating or forest bathing. Although, all are v okay if that floats your boat but in my experience, people think this is what they need so they avoid daily pleasure all together.
But this is simple
Available to you
In the hardest moments, but also in the good ones
Cuz too much of anything is never a good look(pizza or perfume anyone???)
I’d love to invite you to join us in our monthly lazy pleasure portal
Whether you’re having for your 1,000 month or you’re crushing 100k months on repeat, this is for you. What i know for sure for sure is that pleasure is required at every level
i’ll be dishing monthly goodies you can use in the bath, on the go and whenever you need a quick hit of pleasure
What DO you get?
⫸ One monthly call with me where we’ll practice together live and in person and just BE together(remember the whole being=receiving thing?? Not unusual for money and opportunities to come whooshing in when ppl are in community and working the tools with me)
⫸ We’ll break out the practices and recordings so you can do them over and over each month so you can learn which ones move the needle for you and create a custom toolkit to take your pleasure and mindset to the next level
⫸ Monthly journal prompts to help you get unstuck in under 5 minutes so you waste no time guessing what will unearth your biggest blocks and move you right through them(ps you can do these on our live pussy power hour calls hosted M-F so you have community
⫸ A private podcast feed - this will have your monthly practices and the most delicious meditations, life updates and riffs from me, just for you! Ease and access baby so you can shift fast and hear how im using the tools real time.
⫸ A FB community - A special intimate container so you can practice allllll the mindset and pleasure tools outside of Visible AF! so you have a place to brag and swamp and clear, Work through your fear inventories, Find partners to do things with. Just get witnessed. It’s cute, intimate and cozy and a great way to get to know people better.
⫸ As a bonus, you’ll also get access to our 50hr video library where you can binge allll things pleasure + mindset and soak up all the “it gets to be easy and work” vibes any time you need them. These are trainings you can’t get anywhere else and are there to put you into major pleasure + ease vibes any time you listen.
This isn’t gonna be about more
In fact it’s intentionally the opposite
It’s about repetition and receiving
It’s way more about your energy than even makes sense to most of us
But what I know is that it works when you’re ready to let it
I’ve helped my clients use these exact tools to create beautiful businesses and lives that they’re wildly turned on by
Whether thats making a few thousand a month, a million+ in a year, or the lifestyle that just screams freedom
This isn’t gonna be for everyone
And that’s okay
But if you are sick and motherfucking tired of being sick and tired
Or even if you’re just curious and know you need someone to support you to get more in pleasure asap
Let’s do this
You don’t have to do anything but sign up and receive these monthly goodies.
Do them as often as you’d like
But honestly sometimes just saying yes to pleasure is all it takes.
I’ve had students get epic results just BEING in my spaces where we choose pleasure and ease.
There’s no wrong way to do this
But it does take doing. Jumping in. Committing.
Deciding this radical act of choosing yourself, your power and your desires in this lifetime is worth it.
Time dollar and energy wise
Oh and on top of all the goodness monthly, you’ll have access to a ton of video trainings on everything from mindset, to pleasure to manifesting and more!
Hours on hours of bingeable game changing content.
Cool, me too!
what people are saying about lazy pleasure
Can I join anytime?
Who is this for?
Whether you’re having your first 1,000 month or you’re crushing 100k months on repeat, this is for you. What i know for sure for sure is that pleasure is required at every level. Whether you’re a coach, an artist, in corporate or whatever - we all deserve pleasure.
When are the community calls?
They’ll be on the first Friday of each month @ 1:00pm ET
How long will my membership continue?
Your Lazy Pleasure membership will continue on a month-to-month basis unless and until you cancel. Your billing date is set up to automatically withdraw every 30 days from your initial purchase. In order to avoid billing of the next month’s membership fees to your Payment Method, you must cancel your membership before it renews each month.
You may cancel at any time, but NO prorated refund will be given for the remainder of the month. Upon cancelling, your membership will expire at the end of your billing period, and your account and access to the Lazy Pleasure program will be revoked. This includes any free gifts and/or bonuses.
Do you only work with coaches?
Nope. My work is for women (or those who identify as women) who run online businesses or desire to create one. I specialize in working with people who are the face of their brand and are desiring to do business in a way that doesn’t lead to burnout or dropping out.
Is your work inclusive and safe for BIWOC or trans women?
So - I’m a white (duh), cis, hetero woman that was raised pretty effin’ privileged. While I’ve done and am doing work around anti-racism, diversity, equality, and inclusion, and believe in my ability to coach anyone, I also fully own that I have my own filters and life experiences and sometimes get shit wrong. That said, if I fuck something up, I’m always open to a conversation and devoting resources to handling it in a way that honors and supports your experience. My intention is to create and hold a super safe space for all women and I’m constantly working on being the best I can be at doing that.
Can you guarantee specific results?
I fullllly fucking believe in my ability to increase your belief in yourself and your work. I know that when you combine mindset, strategy, and embodiment and build a business based on pleasure, anything is possible. That said, I can’t guarantee any specific results because our goals will also be built around your specific desires so it will all vary client to client.
The testimonials I’ve share below are all from past clients who’ve experienced my work and transmission in this world. They’ve shown up, did the work, and share their results from their heart. Again, no two clients are the same and no two clients will get the same results. You know, legal ish. ;)
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Here’s what other pussy queens have said about why they've joined