My first and only self directed course you can binge and implement immediately. super digestible. binge it all or find the exact video that applies to where you’re stuck. aka, no time wasted!
want to know how I made over 2 million dollars in cash in the past 2.5 years after struggling for 4?
This is the course that breaks it all down.
I spent four years in this industry spinning in circles. Giving away so much free content, and never learning how to sell or convert which left me really broke and frustrated. I wondered if I could even do this and felt like those 10k months felt so far away.
Fast forward 2.5 years and I’ve now made over 2 million in cash from organic marketing. No ads, no complicated tech or funnels. Purely from creating epic social media content and serving the shit out of my people.
Unfortunately, no matter how good of a coach or service provider you are, until you learn what it takes to convert, you’re gonna stay broke and frustrated. So let’s change that.
This course is me pouring everything i’ve learned and done to convert in a super feminine pussy-based low pressure sales way. No taking credit cards on calls, following sales scripts word for word, or feeding people through a 50 step funnel.
I’m too lazy and big hearted for all that. This is about how to deeply connect, how to listen and serve, how to know exactly what your audience needs to hear to move from fan to buyer.
It’s simple and effective. I’ve helped client after client get their first sale up to the sale that took them over a million dollars. And not just business coaches. In fact, my most successful clients ARE NOT business coaches. Not that you can’t be, just that people need your work no matter what you do. Sex, relationship, intimacy, DEI, etc. You can in fact get paid really fucking well for your gifts and use the internet to do so.
to celebrate crossing 1 million in cash for 2021, I gave away 2 million dollars in course sales. the results and feedback has been amazing. and I want you to have this too.
This sales course is everything I wish I had known.
It’s simple, easy to implement, and could change your results in a matter of hours.
I’m not into keeping what I did a secret or making you sign up for high level programs to learn. I want you to have this. I NEED you to have this. The WORLD needs you to know this.

This is $1,000 sales program but the value is WAY more. If you even get one client from this you'll have gotten X times that value). It’s the stuff I was going to reserve just for my mastermind. And then you can watch it again and again until its way more.
I’ve given away 2000 courses and sold it as well and have heard from so many clients that this was a game changer for them.
Selling can feel good
selling can be an act of service
selling can turn you on
The same stuff I teach client after client that has helped them go from 0-5k months to 10-100k months in a matter of months or years.
No gimmicks. No scripts. No forcing people into weird decisions and making them feel broken. No codependent guru bullshit.
The genuine good shit. The pleasure based sales that honor your humanity and theirs. Where you can keep it real. Speak your truth. Show up powerful. And empower future clients versus disempowering which is unfortunately most of what i see out there.
Here’s a little teaser of what i’ll teach you
Here’s a little teaser of what i’ll teach you
✦ How to craft an offer that turns you on and is designed to both deliver results and generate an income that supports you to run a profitable biz and even hire others to help you do so
✦ The way I generate leads and focus on human to human connection and delivering massive value so you have genuine relationships and people who are happy to throw money at you all day long to get more of your magic.
✦ How to make offers, have chill sales calls so that sales actually feel good and don't put you OR your potential client in fight or flight mode
I have helped client after client use these tools to lay them over any strategy, and social media platform, any offer(free to 100k+), and all backgrounds to create beautiful results they're super proud of.
Whether you want to make your first sale, your biggest sale, or your most pleasurable sale, this is for you.
No more proving.
No more hustling.
Sales actually CAN feel good(come see me 3 years ago, i for sure would have told you to fuck off so i promise things can change if you stick with this).
Is it an overnight magic pill solution?
No no baby, nobody has that. But it is pretty magical.
I’ve helped clients generate millions.
I’ve helped them go from debt to overflow.
I’ve helped countless clients 2x, 10x, 20x their pricing.
I’ve seen client after client go from hating sales, being legit truamatized, to having so much fucking fun selling.
So - here it is.
My gift to you(to the world, to our earning capability, to our kids and communities).
Learn how to make even more money doing what you love.
Stop letting sales be hard, foreign or only for other people.
I want you to take this info and see it’s immediate payoff. Whether that’s an actual sale, the way you feel about selling, a client complimenting you on how good your sales convo felt or anything else.
It’s possible because I’ve seen it happen over and over.
My clients often come to me feeling burnt out, underpaid, resentful and desperate.
And it doesn’t have to be like that.
You can truly get turned on. You can serve from such a place of generosity and still command high ticket prices that allow you to feel good delivering on services.
This will show you how.
hi hi, i’m julia [motherfucking] wells
If you don’t know about me, well, you must live under a rock or something lol.
Jk jk, but i’m known in my circles as being one of the most transparent, badass, voices in the coaching space.
I started a movement of pussy and pleasure based business, love to keep it real and share what it really looks like to run a business this size, I deliver hella value, people elevate just being in my energy, and my clients rave about my programs and often sign up for everything I offer.
((if you don't feel like you can say the same yet, no worries, jump in this program and I'll help you shine with this level of confidence))
➜ My posts defy algorithms.
➜ I don’t do boring dry and robotic or pushy fear based sales.
➜ I’ve helped countless clients create 6-7 figure business. most of whom are not business coaches.
➜ I spend most of my days talking about pussy and people get on waitlists to hire me to be their business coach.
➜ I write when I feel like it, I say what I want, and I make a lot of money doing it with a community that’s loyal and obsessed.
➜ I make a fuck ton of money(150k+ months are my baseline after $0 being normal in early 2019) and my profit margin is bananas.
➜ I get to give out tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships and free coaching and regularly donate 10-20k to charities and projects that I love and believe in because I have created so much overflow from my biz.
Does it sound like i’m bragging?
Good, cuz i am.
Want to learn how it’s done?
$1000(or 50% off if you have the Black Friday Coupon)
Who is this for?
Coaches, healers, artists, service providers and anyone who wants to sell online. Whether you’re trying to make your first sale or you want to make more sales and scale, this is for you. What i know for sure for sure is that pleasure is required at every level.
How does it work?
This course is a mix of self guided videos and workbooks designed to get you quick results.
How long will I have access for?
Forever, babe.
Is your work inclusive and safe for BIWOC or trans women?
So - I’m a white, cis, hetero woman that was raised pretty effin’ privileged. While I’ve done and am doing work around anti-racism, diversity, equality, and inclusion, and believe in my ability to coach anyone, I also fully own that I have my own filters and life experiences and sometimes get shit wrong. That said, if I fuck something up, I’m always open to a conversation and devoting resources to handling it in a way that honors and supports your experience. My intention is to create and hold a super safe space for all women and I’m constantly working on being the best I can be at doing that.
Can you guarantee specific results?
No. I fullllly fucking believe in my ability to increase your belief in yourself and your work. I know that when you combine mindset, strategy, and embodiment and build a business based on pleasure, anything is possible. That said, I can’t guarantee any specific results because this is a self-directed course.
The testimonials I’ve shared are all from past clients who’ve experienced my work and transmission in this world. They’ve shown up, did the work, and share their results from their heart. Again, no two clients are the same and no two clients will get the same results. You know, legal ish. ;)
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Check out our pussified tech help guide!
Shoot me an email at hello@juliacwells.com