Done with launches that stress you out, burn you out, and leave you with far less cash and clients that you dreamed of?

Join me for this *free training* for coaches and service based business owners and learn how to sell out all your juicy offers the pussy based business® way

Wednesday, April 5th 3:30pm - 5:00pm ET

Raise your hand if you ever…

…launched and burnt out

…gotten tired just by the thought of launching and the way ppl talk about it online

… second guessed yourself cuz you saw someone else make selling out look so fucking easy

… wanted to do it all yourself but got overwhelmed and burnt out

…overspent on team/expenses and doing allll the marketing way too early

….wanted to move to evergreen cuz open/close launching is exhausting af

What if I told you that you get to be the one running around the internet bragging and having your mind blown when sale after sale rolls in

That you could be having multiple orgasms, luxurious bubble baths and putting pleasure first in business

That YOU get to be your most expressed self, sharing value and making sales unapologetically

What if there was a way you could boss up and reign as a turned on pussy queen that sold out offer after offer

But you dont know how to get there??

I know how overwhelming it can feel cuz I’ve been there, babycakes.

It took me 4 years to start making 10k months in my biz. I wasn’t consistent in how i showed up(and my income reflected that), I didn’t trust myself to show up in the hard moments and bailed on launches halfway through, and I thought there was some secret I needed to know if i wanted those infamous 10k months, 100k years, sold out masterminds etc.

That’s why I wanna let you in on the secret sauce myself and clients have collectively used to generate almost 10 million in sales in the past 4 years

The way to sell out is be turned on the whole time and I’m gonna teach you how

It got me to my first 10k month ever - and then to have a 198k month(all without ads, complicated funnels or working a million hours a day and burning myself and my team out)

I’ve now taught this to hundreds of clients and watched them have the same amazing results. Relationship coaches, sex coaches, business coaches, service providers, artists, healers, creatives, and more.

You know the answer isnt to have a ton of strategy

My clients use this simple secret to make their first sale ever online(even with small audiences, messages they don’t feel are perfectly clear, and no proven results yet)

They use it to sell out their private coaching practice with rates from a few hundred dollars a month to 5-10k/month so they have consistent income and a regulated nervous system that allows them to scale quickly without burning out

It’s perfect for scaling your business using group programs, courses, masterminds, memberships and more so you can work less, serve more humans and have a profit margin that allows you to have the lifestyle you’ve been drooling over for years

I know it might sound too good to be true, especially if you’ve been in this online space for a while.

Where often, the loudest voices are screaming about their formulas, fb ads, the newest platform to be on and the million and one things you must do if you want results.

What’s different about this? 

It’s simple. You don’t need a lot of upfront costs, fancy tech or time to get started. And it works if you work it. 

This FREE training is for you if you’re ready for...

Selling out to be EASY af

Selling out to feel GOOD

Selling out to make your pussy tingle!!

Ready to learn how I sell out all my offers the pussy based business® way?

Join me for FUCK LAUNCHING – a LIVE training on April 5 3:30-5pm ET (it’s fucking free and fluff free)

In this workshop, i’m breaking down... 

> why being TURNED ON is the key ingredient i used to sell 5-figure packages over messenger, sell out my mastermind, relax while doing it all and have a business that’s so fucking authentic and in integrity(it’s what got me from 100k in 2019 to over 4 million in 2023, all from organic social media)

> lots of juicy case studies for selling out anything between a 10k offer or a 6-figure offer, and how i’d do it

> most common mistakes i see when ppl focus on selling out, and how to avoid them

> how to pivot and change if you need to without burning your business down

> the secret sauce you need to go from ugh fuck launching to SELLING YOUR OFFERS LIKE HOTCAKES

In case we haven’t met, HI! I’m julia motherfucking wells

I like to keep it simple AF

Like, so simple most ppl are like wtf, that's it? I could do this on my own k thanks byeeeee

But then they get shiny object syndrome

They forget the basics

They overcomplicate and end up cutting into profit margin or pleasure and it just doesn’t have to be like that


What the fuck are you waiting for?