The Sexy Six-Figure Launch Series!!

Ready to see the behind the scenes of how I went from 5k to 75k to 200k launches in under 2 years using a simple framework you can use on any offer??

The live series is over but you can still catch the replays!

Have you ever launched and burnt out? 

Or gotten tired just by the thought of launching and the way people talk about it online? 

Maybe you’ve finished a launch and then disappeared for a day/week/month?? 

What if there was a way you could be a total fucking launch queen that sold out offer after offer using a stupid easy framework that is customizable and reliable(aka the key to ease, pleasure and more dollars in your pocket).

This FREE training/breakdown is for you if you’re ready for...

Launching to be EASY af

Launching to be highly profitable

Launching to make your pussy tingle!!

Ready to learn how I infuse pleasure, magic and pussy power into my launch method?

In this 4-day series, i’m breaking down... 

> what is the pplm framework and how I used it to go from 100k in 2019 to 1.3 million in sales in 2020 (all from organic social media)

> how i went from 5k group program launches to multiple 6-figure launches in under 2 years

> how i use this method for high ticket masterminds ($18k+)

> most common mistakes i see launching and how to save time + money using PPLM


In case we haven’t met, HI! I’m julia motherfucking wells aka THE launch queen.

I know it might be kind of weird to love launching, but truly what I love is pleasure, profit and seeing humans step into their power by serving the world with their gifts in ways they only dreamt of.

I saw pretty early on that most launch models left you burnt the fuck out or with very little profit, and neither turned me on. So I of course, created my own framework.

WTF is The Pleasure and Profit Launch Method??

Maybe you’ve heard me mention it or maybe you’re like wtf is a PPLM and why should I care about it??

Glad you asked, sugarplum!! 

PPLM is my juicy framework for how i create multiple 6-figure launches back to back, keep a sold out private practice, and do it all while lounging in my big ass bathtub(seriously, you could fit like 5 people in here), mindset journaling, and pampering the fuck out of myself and my people! 

It’s also the framework I’ve taught hundreds of clients and have watched them do the same. 

Whether you’re ready for your first sale, your easiest sale, or your biggest launch yet, let me help you make it easy fucking peasy.

Literally, my favorite thing ever is hearing clients ask “okay but wtf do i do with all this free time now that launching is just handled?”

Seriously. Launching doesn’t have to be pulling all nighters, constantly refreshing Stripe, stressed out and second guessing your whole life’s purpose. 

What the fuck are you waiting for?